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Monday, April 4, 2011


     I get all my brilliant, profound ideas at night.  I purposely drank a grande black full-leaf tea at 8pm this evening so I could begin my "This I believe" essay for English 145.  The assignment is a 600 word piece explaining and justifying an idea in which I believe.  My professor says it's easier to figure out what exactly I believe, by making a list of things in which I do NOT believe or things with which I disagree.  UGH. 
     My list thus far:
Anarchy, immortality, ghosts, excuses, power walking, mutual love at first sight, the ability to speak a language completely fluently, Charlie Sheen, never regretting anything, illegal immigration, 'myspace,' teaching students only to pass a certain test, 7am lectures... 

This is approximately 1/64 of the list. I'll let you know how the finished product turns out, (as long as I don't over-think myself into oblivion first.)  

-Dame Shirley

1 comment:

  1. power walking, charlie sheen, 7am lectures: agreed. (well the other stuff too but mostly those three)
